Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Read this.

Check this out, it's awesome.

What'cha think? Good? Yeah, I know. Now read using the first letter of each line.

50th Blog Post!

It's a milestone, I guess.

Anyways, just thought I'd update this bitch.

So, I've been playing a bunch of games recently.
Okay just Echoes, and Wind Waker the most.
Games be jawesome. Wind Waker is a little annoying on the denying me freedom thing though.
I still don't see why Echoes is usually considered the black sheep of the series.

Away from games for a moment (ZOMG!), let's go to ESM status.
I'm currently out of recordings again, so I dunno when the next one will be.
It'll probably happen sometime this weekend. Stay tuned I guess.

Oh and I think something might be UP, but I can't quite say... XD

...I wasn't in school yesterday or the day before.
That sucks. I can only imagine the homework situation. >_<
Yesterday I wasn't in school because I was waiting for a guy to come and install the new thermostat, and remove the old one. My dad was at work and my sister "was missing too much school" so I got the shaft there. The day before yesterday I was waiting for the Electrical Inspector to come by. Same reasons as the yesterday's school abscence. I don't need this, I need to be at school for my Maths and smarts so I can go to more schoolses for mathses and smarts.


Oh, and I still need to come up with something else for the site besides ESMs.
Maybe a webcomic or something, I dunno.


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Saturday, May 24, 2008

It's a Double Feature!

I have finished two more ESMs.
Props to Kaze for doing the intro on one of them for me.
The same amount of props that went to Mew for doing one for me as well.

Anyways, enjoy.
One's long, one's short. It balances out!


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Well, one for now.

That's right, one. ONE.
You get ONE new ESM for now. #19, World of WoWcraft.

There are a few more on the way though, so don't you fret y'all.
You all.

*cough* That is all.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Yeah, it's been awhile.

Sorry about that. Just haven't gotten around to doing much anything this past week or so.
Been focusing on schoolwork and all.

I got over an hour of recordings to sift through though still.
So expect some ESMs in the near future.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Anytime now, ESM #18 will be uploaded to the site for your enjoyment.

It's not too good IMO, but at least it is something.



Saturday, May 10, 2008

Hey guys, guess what?

Something awesome is coming soon.

And there will be a new ESM!
ESM 18: Stupid Motherfucker (It's a tentative title.) will be released soon.
Maybe tomorrow.

G'night everybody!

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Friday, May 9, 2008

OJ is Gone.

We had to give her up to the Humane Society.
AFAIK, she's with Animal Control at the moment though.
It makes me a sad panda. She's an awesome cat.
She just didn't use the litter box much. That's all. T_T
I hope she escapes. If she does I bet she'll show up at my house again, at the back door, waiting to be let in. She's just awesome enough to do so.

A toast to OJ, because toast goes good with OJ.

Good luck, have fun, don't die, and stay frosty.

To OJ! *ka-toast!*

Famine Update: A little over 3 hours remains. I seem to be fine still. Did some mega-gaming last night. Brawl, Wiikart, and Bleach were all played. Others played Brawl on a seperate Wii, Guitar Hero II (or was it III? I forget.) on a PS2, and Halo 3 in the hallway. Also there were TVs all over the school, and people were hooking up other consoles or DVD players and watching movies or playing games. 'Twas awesome.

EDIT: Oh yeah, my internet came back yesterday morning apparently. I verified this when I got home last night and tried it. Coincidently, I removed my Wii from the house on that day to bring to the Famine/Games Club. Maybe my Wii WAS the culprit after all. Hrm.

Anyways, T_T OJ, ^_^ Internet, :D Famine.
T_T + ^_^ + :D = ^_T to the power of :D

Thursday, May 8, 2008

30 Hour Famine

Basically, I don't eat for 30 hours.
I then get a pizza party. Also today's Games Club will go until like 10 or 11 PM. :D
I also get 18 hours of community service out of it.

I'm a couple of hours into it right now.
It was too late for me to eat breakfast though. T_T

I still don't have internet. >_<

But I'm making do for now.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I forgot to add a title to this post. XD

Well, I STILL have no net.
Also, my Wii was not to blame.

Gawd dammit.

And, unless it's fixed'd now, Mew's net is down as well. Went down last night.

ESM Status: Sorry, since my net is currently dead, I won't be able to do an ESM for a little while. I suppose that whenever it fixes itself, I'll do one asap or something.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Still No Internet

It sucks. A lot. >_<
According to my Dad, the net came back for a few minutes though.
Same thing with my sister when she was on.

I have a sneaking suspicion that my Wii is to blame.
I'll have to test that theory though first.

In other news, I'm borrowing Mario Kart Wii off of a friend.
This game is freaking amazing.

FC: 1032 1891 4509

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Monday, May 5, 2008

How was your weekend?

Mine wasn't too bad.
I had Mr. Pickles and Kero over.
It was jawesome.

Net died on Sunday. That sucked.
I don't know if it's back yet.

Oh Kero, I unlocked everyone in the Bleach game.
#6 doesn't have his release, he instead just does a spiritual power up.
While that IS lame, I will say that his ultimate attack is incredibly jawesome.
Same goes for #4.

They gave good voices to both #6, and #4.

The numbers were put instead of names to avoid spoilers.
Kero should know who I'm talking about. Which is good.

Oh Mr. Pickles, how was Iron Man?

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Friday, May 2, 2008

It's Friday!


I didn't have to go do the thing I thought I'd have to go do this morning.
Instead, it's being pushed to sometime in the afternoon on Tuesday.


It rained semi-hardcore this morning.
I had to walk in it. Sadface.
I hate being in the rain unless I has rain gear, or an umbrella. But I had neither. >_<
Everytime I state my disdain for rain (lol, rhyme.) I remember something my Grandma used to say.
"You take showers don't you?"
Yeah, I do take showers. But not in my clothes. Therein lies the problem. Clothes.

...I ran out of things to say. XD

Bleach - Shattered Blade (Wii) is an awesome game.

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

I'm Still Around

So, I'm still here. I haven't left for Toronto.
It looks like I won't have to either.


This is a small update but yeah, IDC. XD
Oh, I'm 19 now. :D