Saturday, August 30, 2008


Click the post title. Nao.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Gamer Cards

So I opened up Notepad and made myself a Game IDs page.
It's over in the links menu on the sidebar over there.

Basically, it's where I'll put gamecards (Or failing that, just text.) that display info about online games I play. Such as friend codes, usernames, etc. etc.

As an added bonus, I'll be making each card link to where you can find the template/cardmaker to make your own. Just click on the card itself to go. If I made the card without a template/cardmaker, then you're out of luck unless I also make a template/cardmaker.

Have another one level game. This time, it's HARDCORE.
But I still beat it. :P

(Click the post title to play.)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Still Here...?

The comp didn't go. I'm not sure why.
Wait nevermind, my Dad just forgot.

How 'bout that.
Guess I get to enjoy PC time for another day. Or something.
I'd like to spend said time actually playing a game or something though. >_<

Ah well. I should get a conference going in the near future. It's like there's an ESM drought.
...*adds ESM to Firefox dictionary*

Bah. Maybe the One Level Game's Silver Edition will give me something to do.
Click the post title to give it a shot yourself.

Another Leave of Absence

I may not be around much tomorrow.
The comp is going back to the shop again, IIRC.

As such, I'll probably not be heard from until the comp is back, unless I manage a signal on the Wii.
I'm usually able to get on via the Wii when the comp is off.

In any case, here, try another one level game.
Just click the post title.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Not Dead Yet

I need to update this bitch more often.
Sorry, still nothing regarding ESMs.

I had recordings that I was planning on using, but they were flops.
Technical difficulties fucked that shit up.

Ah well. Oh yeah, I dropped the poll idea. No more polls.

On the comp front, nothing's changed besides the new monitor.
AFAIK, on Tuesday it goes back to try yet another hard-drive.
I dunno.

In the meantime, try playing a game. It has a very simple concept.
There's only one level. Can you beat it? Click the post title and find out.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I have returned!

So, the powers that be (read: Karma. God. Lady Luck. Fate. Fid? XD) decided we couldn't get the comp to work properly.

In short, I got the comp back, exactly as it was when it left.

Friday, August 8, 2008

I was dead.

I know, I haven't updated this thing in awhile.
My fault.

...Kind of pointless to say that. Who's fault could it be besides mine?
Nobody. No one's fault but my own. It sucks, I suppose.
Anyways, for my reason behind my lack of updating, read the post title again. XD

Life 3 sure can be winly.

Moving along, my (read: The one I use.) comp is going in for a new hard-drive later today.
It's currently an 80GB, and it will be getting a 320GB addition.
The 320GB will be the primary, and have the OS on it. It'll then be partitioned into C:\ and D:\, 120GB for C, and 200GB for D. The 80GB will become drive E:\.
Later on the RAM is planned to be upgraded from its pitiful 256MB to something better.
So, woot.

No ESMs are currently in the making, due to the above reason. Sowwy. Wub? XD